Thursday, July 19, 2012

Befriending Technology!!

I am not a good writer nor am I too keen in writing as well. I had been introduced to the world of blogging way back in 2009. But it does not seem to work well for me as I have never made a post nor attempted to do so. Perhaps, I can justify myself by blaming the system of education through which I was molded and brought up. It sometimes feels good to have a justification anyway!

However, through the session of “Toying with technology” I was re-introduced to the world of blogging. Every one of us is encourage to maintain a blog through which we would put down our reflections on issues concerning us. I would stop short of saying I was ‘pushed/forced’ to do so as I have no doubt that it is for my benefit. Now here am I again trying my level best to do myself a big favor. Anyway, it is said ‘better late than never’.

Reflecting on the kind of life one lived in this “information age”, it is an undeniable fact that whether we like it or not, we accept it or not, technology has a lot more to do in our lives as compared to that of the previous generation. I may not be wrong in saying that technology becomes a part of human life. From the least educated to the most educated, the poorest to the richest, technology plays a part in our lives, though the level of our dependence and necessity on it, might differ. Such is the influence of technology in our lives.

Though it is very true to say that technology can be a threat as much as it is beneficial, it is also equally true that the pace at which technological advancement is progressing and its impact on the people is irresistible. As a matter of fact, it will be foolish of us to fight against technological advancement and shunning ourselves from utilizing it. Therefore, it is wiser to explore more on how to effectively use technology at our benefit.

Taking on that positive note, I often question myself, had it not been for this techno kit and its products, will a person like me who is not so keen on writing would ever put down my thoughts and reflections? The kind of space and opportunity that Mobile phones, Social Networking sites, Blogs etc. had provided is immense. Technology is kind enough to absorb my tasteless thoughts and reflections being put down. Ultimately, it will transform me from being a beginner to a provider.

Technology not only provides a space to put down my reflections, it also preserves those thoughts. It also delivers to the world those precious thoughts of mine for view; review and feedback so that it can be refined and add more meanings to it. Further, it also brought me other’s perspective so as to broaden my domain. In a nutshell, it facilitates exchange of thoughts and ideas between me and others.

To conclude, it is my hope that the exchange of ideas and thoughts through technology resulted in imbibing more knowledge and better understanding. 

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